The main focus of Sunday Feb 24th was
to get to Henderson, west of Auckland to see Sam, Dietmar and family
who had left our circle in Chertsey 9 months earlier in search of a
better life. I paced my long journey well and arrived within the
accepted time frame at a house that immediately said 'Yes, we do have
a better lifestyle'. Sam and I caught up with what was going on in
each others lives, and generally chewed the fat about many things
pagan. After a good meal with her family, and equally good
conversation with all of them, as dusk was falling, I took to the
road again for the hour drive to Matakana.
I got to Natalie's around 10.15, very
tired and hot. Not long after I was cooling off with a skinny dip in
the pool – liberating maybe, but mistake certainly for I got mozzie
bites in places I shouldn't have!
Monday was a day for just chilling in
the relaxing settings of Matakana, and taking stock of everything
before leaving for Dunedin to stay with Roz the next day.
Spending so much time driving, I had
plenty of time to reflect and also think about the next stage of my
journey. I was now getting to the end of my holiday and had to think
about the UK again. A few work related issues had been emailed to me
and I was slowly beginning to be more aware of time and date, things
that I hadn't had to think of at all this year. I began to think
about the long haul home. I had booked budget airlines most of the
way so couldnt change them at all. I had booked to have 5 days in
Bangkok again, but 2 things made me feel this was not what I wanted.
Firstly, the idea of facing food that made me ill did not appeal, and
having a long haul flight on top of it made it worse. Secondly, Andy
was not going to be in Thailand as work had taken him to Manilla for
a month. Andy was at least a barrier or defense to help me find food
that was OK for me. So on that drive north across the NZ landscape,
I decided to see if I could bring my return from Bangkok forward so
that I only had one night there. I couldnt change the NZ to Thailand
flights. Luckily, the next day when I phoned the travel agents, it
was possible.
Having sorted out that in my head, I
began to reflect on the means by which I ear my crusts. For a while
the universe had been knocking on my door telling me it was time to
teach healing etc again. I am very happy with my work teaching
English and don't want to stop that at all. Furthermore it is a
passport to travel, I am not prepared to forego. However, my days
with Patrick and Natalie had awakened that aspect of me, so maybe it
is time to do something. Exactly what and when is to be sorted, but
it would seem that its a skill I have and should be used. Also my
conversation with Sam seemed to give me a deeper connection to the
earth based spirituality that I follow. I feel, having spoken to
her, that my Firedance Circle will continue perhaps opening up new
avenues of thought to explore, possibly reflecting on lessons from my
sojourn to The New World.
Journeys are not necessarily just a
means of getting from A to B, or for pleasure. They can also reflect
journeys of the spirit and soul as well as education. My experiences
had been all this, and now it was time to start steering homeward.
There was one last bit of my holiday to
enjoy, and on Tuesday, I returned my hire car and flew to Dunedin on
the south island to stay with Roz and her parents for a week. Roz'
sunny disposition and never failing support when I ran The London
Reiki & SKHM Healers group was always a breath of fresh air, and
all I needed was to be around her again. It would be interesting to
see her on home territory this time.