Friday, 11 January 2013

Paradise mislaid

Coming back from the weekend at the beach, I knew I had a cold  getting the better of me, but was round the corner really knocked me out.  Monday, I decided to take things easy and just potter on my own, which was fine until early afternoon.  Then my guts began to explode.  Par for the course I guess in these parts of the world. I confined myself to quarters and decided to starve the bug out, The next day, I was worse,  My temp was rising fast.  Andy got some stuff from the pharmacy for me and I slept, thrashed around and ran to the loo for the next 18 hrs.  Later on Wednedsay I began to feel better, and looked forward to a gentle day on Thursday, regaining my grip on things.  I had spent 48 hrs being very ill indeed.

Unfortunately an easy day on Thursday was not to happen.  Weds eve Andy came over for a chat.  he had chanced into his apartment during a break from work, and discovered Oi had left an email thread open on the laptop.  She was obviously having an affair.  Thursday was not peaceful as I found myself in the middle of 2 warring young people, disputing ownership of this and that.   Andy spirited himself out of the city, which was an anxious 6 hrs for me as, through the tears and shouting from the guilty party, was the threat of getting him arrested.  I didnt know where he was, or what he was doing.  He got in touch later, saying he was  OK, and I was happy.  This was not my battle to fight or get involved in, and I was not happy to have been made to feel underseige in my own hotel room by Oi.

Moving on will be easy for Andy, and tomorrow I have a day trip planned.  onward and upward!

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